
Margaret & Richard’s Pier Park wedding in Grosse Pointe

Margaret and Richard got married on March 5th, 2022 in a small ceremony in the Pier Park community house, on the shores of Lake St. Claire in Michigan. They opted for a Pier Park wedding because the Community House was the perfect size, and the view was absolutely gorgeous!

First Look

The happy bride decided to start her day with a first look. A moment for her and her husband to spend a moment together. A moment to enjoy each other without any distractions.


The happy couple opted to walk down the aisle together. I love a bride that knows what she wants, and then does it!

That was only the beginning of how Margaret made her beautiful ceremony unique! She kissed him at least three times during the ceremony. She does what she wants! I LOVE IT.

Richard’s two sons were the best men, and came up to hand them their rings, the vows were finished and just like that, Richard and Margaret were married! <3

The Romantics

We didn’t have a ton of time, but we made the best of the time we had for sure. After they signed their marriage license and danced their first dance, we headed out to the Pier Park pier. It was not a bad day, probably 50 degrees, so even though you see ice, it was practically t-shirt weather!

Can I just say.. the JOY that hung around these two filled my soul for days!

The Rings

On a final incredibly interesting note, Margaret and Richard made their own rings. From Scratch. How cool is that!?

Congratulations on your Pier Park wedding Margaret and Richard!
March 5th, 2022

  1. Sue O says:

    Just beautiful! You captured all the joy and love and excitement! It’s like a fairy tale.

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